Trevenna Wedding
Ruth and Ali
Ruth and Ali got married at Trevenna in Cornwall, out on the southern edge of Bodmin Moor. As long as I have lived in Cornwall, I have always enjoyed walking in it’s wide open spaces. Due to Trevenna’s completely isolated location, guests can feel truly at ease. Furthermore, I must agree with the website on the exceptional 360 degree views of Cornwall.
Similarly, I feel everything about Trevenna exudes Cornishness. Maybe it’s the cluster of bespoke barns that seem outwardly rustic* yet have contemporary interiors. Or even more, the surrounding 142 acres of farmland that have been in the family for hundreds of years. Above all and most noteworthy is the fact that the nearby village of St Neot received ‘Calor village of the decade’ in 2006. It’s outstanding warmth of community spirit and 40 social clubs and societies helped secure the accolade. It was probably a combination of all of the above that made me so excited to shoot Ruth and Ali’s wedding. Or perhaps just the fact there would be pasties to eat.
Ruth and Ali’s wedding at Trevenna took place on the day of the world cup Rugby semi-final between England and New Zealand. Ali and his groomsmen were most interested in this fact. Luckily for them, the match was taking place before the wedding whilst they were getting ready**. As a result of England’s emphatic win, I got to photograph five beaming indivduals who were suddenly even merrier than before!
The Mizzle
Due to Trevenna’s geographically ‘idyllic’ setting (it really is idyllic by the way) on the moor, sometimes ‘The Mizzle’ can really set in. I can only describe the mizzle as a kind of light precipitation that shrouds entire swathes of countryside in it’s misty cloak. Indeed, one that unceremoniously soaks to the skin anyone unfortunate enough to be out in it. Consequently, the mizzle came down on Ali and Ruth’s big day. However, Ruth had prepared accordingly with one small, white umbrella. I marvelled at how dry it kept her whilst we shot a few moody-skied portraits in between the ceremony and wedding breakfast. A chivalrous yet open-to-the-elements Ali on the other hand was not so lucky. It’s a good thing we removed the leftover confetti from his hair. Otherwise he would have been wearing a mardi-gras style crown of multi-colured mush!
Yard of Ale
Another notable moment from this wedding occured during the speeches. First of all, I was snapping away during the turn of our best man (known only as ‘The Deep’). Suddenly he clapped his hands and declared that the groom must drink a yard of ale. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with this receptacle, but a yard glass looks like an oversized vase and holds three and half pints of beer! As a result, I watched as the Trevenna staff duly brought forth said yard glass brimming with amber nectar. Now, as I was reliably informed by the gleeful groomsmen, the best way to ‘see off’ the drink is to open one’s gullet and pour the contents ‘down the hatch’ in one go. What could our valiant groom Ali do but try his best to consume the beverage?
To his credit, when the pressure was on, I think he managed about a pint’s worth before he had to stop. Luckily, his faithful entourage of ‘The Deep’ and ‘The Ostrich’ helped him drain the rest!
A massive thanks to Ruth, Ali and their families, the awesomely professional team at Trevenna!
If you’d like to book me for your wedding photography, please see my investment page.
*and also have rustic names like ‘Threshing barn’ and ‘Shippon barn’.
**apparently, Ali had looked at the possible fixtures and taken this into consideration whilst planning.